This section covers specials, sports, newspapers, outdoor and product placement.
In addition to conventional media, you may wish to use impact media — such as high visibility, often high reach media options — that can generate considerable attention but are more expensive. In addition, for the purposes of this class, we will treat newspapers and outdoor like impact media, because they provide mass coverage.

Please remember: GRP (Gross Rating Point) = Reach (% of population reached) × Average frequency (number of times you reach them). Major award shows must be purchased in increments of 25 GRP because we assume 25% of the US population (Reach) will watch these award shows. One advertisement on these shows, therefore, will have a GRP of 25. As you cannot buy half an advertisement spot, you can only buy such spots in increments of 25 GRP (25, 50, 75, etc.).

Major award shows — 1 Unit = 25 GRP (i.e. – for these shows, 1 unit of advertisement costs $39,610 * 25 = $990,250

Academy Awards $39,610
Emmy Awards $39,610
Grammy Awards $39,610

Minor award shows — 1 Unit = 12 GRP (i.e. – for these shows, 1 unit of advertisement costs $28,888 * 12 = $346,656

Country Music Awards $28,888
People’s Choice Awards $28,888
Golden Globe Awards $28,888
American Music Awards $28,888
MTV Movie Awards $28,888
MTV Music Awards $28,888
Kids Choice Awards $28,888

Super Bowl — 1 Unit = 50 GRP

Super Bowl $59,376

Major sports events — 1 Unit = 25 GRP

NFL playoff games $45,774
Monday Night Football $35,674
College Bowl games $35,674
World Series $35,674
NBA Championships $35,674
NBA playoffs $35,674
NCAA Championship and Final Four $35,674
Golf — four Major Tournaments $35,674
Grand Slam tennis event $35,674
Summer or Winter Olympics $35,674
NHL Playoffs $35,674

Minor sports events — 1 Unit = 12 GRP

NCAA Tournament — Round of 64 through Elite Eight $35,674
MLB regular season game $30,455
NBA regular season game $30,455
NHL regular season game $30,455
X Games $30,455
Tennis minor tour event $25,674
Golf minor tour event $25,674

Product placement

Major motion picture $1 million/movie
Network television show $500,000/episode
Cable television show $200,000/episode


Direct mail for 100,000 pieces $261,895/mailing
Outdoor billboard — one market $35,000/month
Outdoor billboard — 50 markets $1.6 million/month
Newspaper ad — national $1.16 million/month